Jason Holzer is a certified teacher and thought coach, accomplished basketball coach and Elite Skills trainer, Amazon Best Selling Author, and transformational storyteller/speaker. He is passionate about being the best version of himself in order to serve others. “I want whatever I am doing to be an expression of God’s greatness that is within me. My ultimate goal is to impact 1 billion minds and eliminate suicide in our society.

Growing up in Taos, Missouri, Jason was raised in a small town with a loving family that gave him every chance to succeed. His parents were supportive and provided everything a 17-year-old could ever want. That is until his life changed forever on May 8, 2003, when his dad unexpectedly passed away by suicide, leaving Jason, his mother, and two younger sisters behind. “Losing my father to suicide left me with overwhelming feelings of abandonment, shame, confusion, anger, and deep sadness. Because of all of these feelings, I was attached to external outcomes, and at the time, I allowed those things to determine my actions, which, in many cases, held me back as well.” Jason lost much of his self-confidence, often indecisive, and would overthink almost every situation as a young adult. “This impacted my ability to become my best and truest self during my young adult years. It took me longer to accept who I was and realize that I was enough!”  Things turned around for Jason when he became a husband and a father.

“I realized it was time to face my wounds and my fears. I made the decision to take a deep dive inward and realized that in order to move forward, I had to not only forgive my father but myself as well.” 

Jason started reading personal development books like “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” by Vishen Lakhiani, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles and listening to the work of Bob Proctor. “I have become a lifelong student of the mind and the power it holds within each and every one of us. I have learned that the only limitations I have in life are the ones I put on myself and that by constantly studying and loving who I am, I can show up in the world as the person I was meant to become.” Through hard work, dedication, and strong faith in God, Jason is thriving.

Shattered By Suicide Renewed By Resilience


Jason recently released his book, an Amazon bestseller, “Shattered By Suicide Renewed By Resilience: How To Move Forward After Being Left Behind. ” The book is a story of how Jason had to push forward after his father’s suicide. He shares how he picked up the pieces of his shattered heart, feelings of abandonment, anger, apathy, negative self-image, feelings of worthlessness, and turned all of that into a positive. Jason wants readers to know that they are loved, and someone cares about them. “You have a gift and a purpose to bring to this world that no one else does. Believe in yourself, you are unlimited because you are made in God’s image and likeness. He has a plan for you! Think Positive, Feel Positive, Act Positive.”

Jason’s advice:

Focus on gratitude and the good in your life. Surround yourself with love, show kindness to others, and learn every day. We were born to grow, and we were born to give our best to others. Be sure to give your best to yourself first, and be exactly who you were meant to become!