There is a saying that “a purposeless life is a meaningless life”, and if it is anything to go with, are we living our lives on specific purposes?

Today, I will be writing on why we must live our lives on purpose, not just for our benefit, but also to the benefit of those who are looking up to us.

A man’s exploits and achievements are defined by the purpose of his life. No one ever achieves anything great without having a purpose surrounding his life. An entrepreneur/minister/sales person/father/husband without a purpose will never create a meaningful, lasting impact in life.

As we look at the Bible, Paul the apostle is a typical example of someone who built his life around a specific purpose and followed his purpose till the end. This was what made him remain dauntless, resolute, dogged and determined in living his life. While standing before Governor Felix, he declared and said that he has not been “disobedient to the heavenly vision”. That was his life purpose and calling. He not only lived his life on purpose, but he was also an example for others to follow. He said, “be ye followers of me as I am of Christ”. While writing to Timothy, he charged him to do and maintain those things which he (Timothy) has seen him do. He was not a do-as-I-say preacher, but a do-as-I-do preacher. No wonder he made such a significant impact in life.

The Bible enjoins us that we should be examples to others in every good thing. This includes our conduct, character, charisma, charity, etc. In our churches, companies, corporations, offices and many such places, there are always men and women who are looking up to us. They observe our actions and inactions, but, most important, how we live our lives either purposeful or purposeless.

How then can we live an exemplary purposeful life?

Find your purpose
It’s not enough to be engaged or doing something; we must ask ourselves “Is this my purpose in life?” We must discover the purpose of God for our lives. We must build our lives around the will and plan of God. Doing anything outside God’s will, will not attract his blessings.

Outline how to live out the purpose
Discovering the purpose and will of God for our lives is not enough. How are we going to live out the purpose? Some things will have to go, activities that will end, friends and associates that will be separated from, and determination on our own part.

Understand that people are looking up to you
Now, this is where the majority of people make a mistake. They live as if no one is observing or taking note of their actions and inactions. Knowing that people are looking up to you will make you watch and think very well before taking any decision or action.

Pray and always depend on God
This includes that we must always tell God to help us influence and impact lives positively. Tell God that since he is the one that gave you the purpose, he should give you the grace to live out that purpose.

A purposeful life will always have the will-power to press on. When challenges and obstacles come, the only thing that will push us on is the purpose behind our being there. Discover your purpose, live it out and be a shining light for others to follow.