Leading on purpose starts from living on purpose because you can’t lead others to a place you have never been. In the words of scripture, a blind man cannot lead other blind people. In fact, great leaders are those that have discovered themselves. Most men are familiar with discovering and pursuing their purpose but leading with purpose is where they fail. But it is actually not as hard as it may sound. Here are some tips that can help you to start leading with purpose.

Write a mission statement

A mission statement is one of the best ways to let those you are leading know that the work you are doing matters. The mission statement lets others know why you exist and exactly what you are seeking to accomplish. Some leadership experts believe that a mission statement should be memorized by every team member because everything they do is based on the mission statement. The mission statement can create a sense of unity in a team and that will enhance a better working relationship.

Communicate the vision

John Maxwell advises leaders to regularly communicate their vision because “vision leaks.” It is not enough to print out the vision on a pamphlet and distribute it to the people. You should cast the vision as often as possible just to help put the vision in the minds of the people you are leading. This will help everyone to keep their eyes on the goal and it also promotes synergy in the team.


Delegation of work and responsibilities is another tenet of leading with purpose. After Jesus had walked with the disciples and taught them how to do ministry, he sent them out to go and do what he had been doing. With this simple approach, he was able to cover more ground than he would ever do single-handedly. As tempting as it might be to continue doing everything on your own, it is a good idea to delegate some of the tasks to other people.

Replace yourself

The mark of a true leader is that they continually try to replace themselves. Many times when a great leader dies, we hear people say, “no one can fit in his shoes.” As nice a compliment as it might sound, it actually shows that the leader didn’t do a very good job of raising other leaders. Leading on purpose means you are constantly thinking of who will take over from you. It means not leaving it to fate but actually taking intentional steps to groom other capable leaders who can take over from you.

God created every man to be a leader – that is why He created Adam before Eve. But leadership is a skill that needs to be developed. You cannot leave it to fate. You have to take some practical steps in order to become a great leader not only in your family but also in ministry or in career and business. This way, you will be leading with purpose.