Meet Dr. Alton E. Sumner, a true inspiration. He has dedicated his life to serving others and breaking down barriers. As an elder at GMCHC, Dr. Sumner leads by example and serves as Chair of the Sick and Shut-in Ministry alongside his wife, Dr. Betty Sumner. He is a former secondary school principal and has invested four decades in serving the educational needs of thousands of children.

But the road to success wasn’t easy for Dr. Sumner. Born and raised in Halifax County, North Carolina, called the Slashes Lowlands, he vividly recalls growing up in poverty. “We were dirt poor!” he reflects, reminiscing about the humble beginnings that shaped his character.

“We knew we were poor, and everyone else in our neighborhood was also poor.”

Despite the challenging circumstances, Dr. Sumner’s determination and resilience shone through. He recounts the stark contrast between his family’s worn-out, partially wooden station wagon and the vehicles of the more well-to-do white people who passed through their townships. 

Poverty impacted every aspect of their lives, from the lack of indoor plumbing to relying on a wood-fueled stove for cooking. Secondhand shoes from the “New York Bargain Store” were reserved for Sundays, while the rest of the week was spent barefoot. Yet, in their resourcefulness, they made the most of what they had—homemade toys, picking peanuts from the barn loft, and even making snow ice cream.

Dr. Sumner, who played a pivotal role in co-authoring Faith for Fiery Trials Vol II Men’s Edition, shares his story- a testament to his unwavering faith, determination, and the power of love. From battling prejudice and discrimination in junior high school to becoming the principal of a prestigious middle school in Bethesda, Maryland, he defied the odds and shattered glass ceilings.

Faith for Fiery Trials Vol II Men’s Edition excerpt: Step into a world of unshakeable faith with ‘Faith for Fiery Trials MEN’S EDITION Vol II. Speaking their Truth, Sharing Lessons Learned And Successfully Soaring.’ This remarkable edition of our faith series unveils powerful stories of men who have conquered life’s most formidable challenges. As you delve into their journeys, you’ll be inspired to cultivate your own unwavering faith and rise above adversity. As you read, you will experience this resilient brotherhood, harness the strength of faith, and be able to triumph over trials. Get ready to soar higher than you ever thought possible. 

Reflecting on his journey, Dr. Sumner shares, “It is a story about rising from the abject poverty of the Slashes Lowlands, navigating the hardships my family experienced as sharecroppers in eastern North Carolina, and battling prejudice, discrimination, and raw racism.”

Today, Dr. Alton E. Sumner inspires and uplifts others through his teaching at Calvary Bible Institute. As an author, minister, and family man, he exemplifies the values of social justice, cultural and racial understanding, and educational salvation that he passionately advocates for. 

Through his remarkable journey, Dr. Sumner has proven that one can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness with faith, perseverance, and a heart filled with love. His story serves as a beacon of hope for those facing adversity and a reminder that dreams can be realized no matter where one starts.